Healing From the Inside with Natural Remedies

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We can look aesthetically pleasing on the outside but what truly counts is what is happening on the inside. One way we can heal from the inside is through natural healing remedies using spices. For me, feeling healthier with energy and less inflammation trumps looking good”. In all honesty, I use to think just the opposite and literally felt crappy! I flipped the switch and focus more now on the inside. Don’t get me wrong, I still train to maintain lean muscle and strength. It’s just that I’ve added healing spices, probiotic supplementationand other natural remedies that I wasn’t applying before.


I’ve noticed I feel better internally. Not as tired and achy from my arthritic and fascia related conditions. My mood and smile are much more genuine. Not playing the “fake it till you make it” game as much anymore.

Let’s be real, sometimes that’s what we have a tendency to do in order to get through the day in dealing with the public, co-workers, family etc. and that can be mentally exhausting. On the flip side though, when we do smile through the pain than not, it’s a much better choice by a mile. Start applying the things that recharge you so that you can do less faking. You’ll realize how more authentic and productive you are. It starts with you and what’s going on inside.

The natural healing options are just one piece of self care but very important. My hope is the following recommendations will be beneficial on your health inside. Peace, Love and Good Health my Friends!

by Kelli Piggee’


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